Today’s takeaway from Free Coffeeshop Group Coaching – Beijing, China – 31 October 2019 is:
“The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”
Carl Jung
“Admitting is always a good thing. Especially admitting to yourself what you have been feeling. While it is (at times) a shock to notice that we are holding anger, resentment, despair, grief, etc.. It is also a very good thing to do because when you touch hidden emotions they transform and become allies in awakening and awareness rather than burdens to carry forward.”
Suzanne Wagner
How am I finding balance in this moment?
What is my heart telling me I need for balance?
How is my current situation helping me to rewire old patterns that are no longer useful?
How am I expressing my love and light to others in a way that creates balance?
How am I enough right now?