Today's Takeaway from Free Virtual Coffeeshop Group Coaching – via ZOOM – 02 February 2020 is:
"the public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring." Paul Rand, graphic designer
Our topic was around Self-Compassion.
If you could design a self-compassion App, what would be your favorite things about the App? This question opened ideas around an App designed to recognize non-compassionate patterns within, alert us before they turn into behaviors, and inspire us to take actions in daily routines that are more self-compassionate. What would happen in your life if your Self-Compassion App woke you up each morning with a meditation like the following?
What cool things would you design into your self-compassion App?How is your current situation requiring something new from you?What do you keep trying to hold onto for reassurance in your life, and how can you let it go?