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Takeaway from Free Virtual Coffeeshop Group Coaching - Via ZOOM - 02 August 2020

Writer's picture: Melody Taylor-FliegeMelody Taylor-Fliege

Today’s Takeaway from Free Virtual Coffeeshop Group Coaching – via ZOOM – 02 August 2020 is:

“Breathing into each moment what is needed and breathing out what is no longer necessary is natural with the breath. The trick of doing it for stability and balance requires utilizing all five elements; wood, fire, earth, metal, and water in perfect harmony.”

Melody Taylor-Fliege

Today’s coaching group utilized diversity to find one’s unique center, as many of these group coachings do. Even with many diverse topics, the struggles and challenges were similar, as if each person had a unique version of the same journey.

One coaching technique to find one’s center is merely breathing. As above, so below, even in complete chaos. Using the breath to find our center can help by breathing in yin-energy from Mother Earth and yang-energy from the light-love source bigger than self (whatever that may be religiously, or culturally for each individual). This technique uses the idea that we already do this, only now doing it with purpose. It’s as natural as breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide, something we cannot help but doing with every breath we take.

Taking this commonsense idea and doing it with mindfulness breathing to center ourselves, can bring inner calm when we feel pressured to perform at a new job, in front of a group, or even a boring business meeting, or repetitive studying.

Expand the technique even further by applying a 5-Elements visualization breathing exercise of protection, taken from the topic of Dantian on ScienceDirect’s website, which has an excerpt from the first chapter of Sarah Pritchard’s Book Tui na: A manual of Chinese massage therapy, 2010 (also found on Amazon). Look in the section called Foundations and development of Tui na:

If this link does not work, copying and pasting the following link into your browser should do the trick.

If you’re not familiar with my 5-Elements coaching tools, check them out in the yellow section of my website.

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