Meet Melody
Life Coach & Akashic Records Intuitive
Coaching is a co-created process where answers and solutions come from the client. The coach is a catalyst rather than offering technical knowledge or expertise. Consulting is helping others through my own expertise tap into something or somewhere better.
I help people past their comfort zone and expand their potential! Through deep listening and utilizing an intuitive Akashic coaching process I help you alchemize blockages in to steppingstones and breakthroughs!

What I Specialize In

Thriving in Life becomes much easier when we realize which needs we can meet through each area of our lives - job, family, serving others, and which ones we must meet through the coninued development of ourselves.
The YWCHSB Team Coaching identified challenges and frustrations in a TC360 feedback survey and provided a virtual platform to address these difficulties in a non-judgmental way, utilizing different approaches to cope in a more empathetic manner in interest of accomplishing the common goal of dealing with change, team collaboration & efficiency... Read More

Team Coaching Case Study, YWCHSB Yukon Territory Canada
Yesterday’s session with Melody, reading my Akashic Records and helping me gain an understanding of some questions I had about the way I live my life. It was affirming to have Melody deepen and add more colour and energy to a situation that had been puzzling me for some time and I came away feeling lighter and more energised about the path ahead. I highly recommenr Melody for Akashic Records Reading, healing and Coaching.

Daphne Taylor PCC, ORSCC, Executive and Team Coach
Melody is a natural vessel for Spirit to come through. Her readings offer a perfect blend of wisdom, compassion and love, leaving me feeling more centered, clear and ready to act in accordance with my highest good. Something I really appreciate about Melody's readings is the transparency that she brings to readings, articulating the information exactly as it is coming through... Read More

Molly Flanagan
The 90 min coffeeshop Coaching with Melody was absolutely wonderful. I feel that with this pandemic we have learnt to connect with each other beautifully via zoom and other platforms. The meeting was very well organized and insightful. I enjoyed being a part of such a worthy group of individuals. Melody’s coaching style was very soulful... Read More

Fatima Saleem, Karachi, Pakistan
Melody has a wonderful way to form a great group energy. Everyone can be visible with her/his topics and gets feedback. As one writes the individual issues before the appointment, they are already collected and well prepared. Thank you Melody, for your beautiful and attentive work. I liked the little imagination tool... Read More.

Hannah Breithaupt, Move Your Voice, Berlin Germany
Dear Melody, Thank you so much for the precious time you have given me this year. You are amazing as a coach and as a human being! You helped me believe in myself and know that I have all the answers to all my questions and solutions. I just need to trust in me 100%. So thank you for that! Read More.

Sharon Dekel, Israel
I met Coach Melody when she began offering her workshops in Beijing China and created her listing on my Expat Activities platform. Melody has received great feedback from all expats she collaborated with and I invited her as a speaker to one of the Professional Development sessions we organized for Diplomatic Network Beijing... Read More

Tanya Kostova, Founder,
"I am leaving Beijing China next week and have had the pleasure of coaching sessions with Melody. I can highly recommend her for anyone who wants to discuss their situation without judgement and with 100% discretion. Melody helped me with some work decisions and some life goal setting as I move to the next chapter back in my home country of Australia....Read More.

Mel Parker, Australian Government Official
I am really grateful to have chosen to go that one day when I felt I didn’t even want to interact with anybody, to Melody’s free group coaching session. That first time when I met her it really gave me a taste of who she is in the powers she can have over people. Those little details that she notices on your face that nobody sees, really helps you to get to know more of who your are... Read More

Giannina Cornea, HHGD, Bucharest Romania
I met Melody for the first time on March 26, 2019 at Solana coffee shop. It was a bright day, but I was nervous because I didn’t know how she was and if I could open my heart to her. Most people who need a coach do so because they are encountering some problems. Two years ago, when I first heard about coaching, I didn’t understand the difference.... Read More.

Natalie Lee, Beijing, China
"Yes, Melody is the nutrition that we need to live in a healthy life. She can bring you the happiness by giving you trust, peace and core value of youself so you are empowered and confident, and be able to handle all the heavyness or difficulty of life. Having Melody be my life coach is the big gift that I appreciate so much in my life."

Kate Jiang, Beijing, China
"Melody, you have no idea how much your 1-on-1 career coaching has helped me in changing careers and now this coaching community! Wow! I am looking so forward to connecting with others in the community and coaching around the same focused topics. Thank you very much for your creative coaching developments like this community!"

Althea Thayer, Wyoming, USA
"I'm looking forward to utilizing your coaching clinic forums! I need professional as well as personal coaching, and the clinic will give me coaching that fills in the gaps between my regular 1-on-1 coaching. Working in the service industry as a hairstylist, I feel I must be all I can be, and your your coaching has helped me do just that. Now I will get even more!"

Angela A, Idaho, USA
"Thank you for filling a niche at an affordable price. I travel so much and my job frequently causes me to cancel many appointments including tele-coachings. Now, using the coaching forum, I will be able to get coaching that won't conflict with time zones, plus I will get support from like minded others in the forum.''

Georg F Berlin, Germany
Melody provided invaluable support to the work of the Integrated Training Service team at the UN Global Service Centre (UNGSC) through the delivery of group coaching UN staff members deploying to field operations as part of a Civilian Pre-deployment Training course, facilitating sessions on 'Embracing Change and 'Culture & Diversity' respectively... Read More

UN Global Service Center, Brindisi Italy
The coaching with Melody helped me to literally step into my values, to see clearly what is important for me and my work, give it a good grounding and focus. I like her intermodal work -> that combines emotions, inner pictures and consciousness of the body. This makes the coaching a really grounded, variegated and colorful session.

Hannah Breithaupt, Music Therapist, Body & Voice Work
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Coaching Bot Eliza
Although Eliza is a Coaching Bot created for some FREE fun, you might find something useful in her outlandish questions! Try ELIZA by typing something in the box! But don’t take her too seriously!
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Card Decks Coaching Tool
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5-Elements Coaching Tool

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What is the 5-Elements?
Click on the spinning 5-elements dice above to explore. The 5-elements is Self-Coaching Tool for more life balance.
Click here to use my Self-Coaching 5-Elements Meditation.
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